Safety Precautions in Stunt Planes


Safety Precautions in Stunt Planes

Make Safety Your Priority While Performing Aerobatic Stunts

A2G 50 Taking Flight

Prioritize Safety When Doing Aerobatic Stunts

If you’ve ever thought about booking an exciting aerobatic experience on a stunt plane, you may have a lot of questions. Are stunt planes safe? What safety precautions do stunt pilots take when flying passengers? Will you be required to have safety training before your flight?

Our aerobatic stunt plane specialists at Sky Combat Ace are serious about safety. We take every precaution so our riders can feel confident and secure during their fun flying experience. To help you prepare, we’re sharing everything you need to know about safety precautions on stunt planes.

The Basics of Stunt Plane Safety

As with many things in life, stunt plane safety starts with you and your willingness to participate and follow safety guidelines. Any reputable extreme aviation attraction will have rules, restrictions, safety equipment, and provide proper training before you join in the flying experience.

You should never fly with an unlicensed pilot or feel forced to take part in something if you feel uncomfortable. Make sure your aerial experience is with a professional company that offers every possible safety precaution available.

Physical and Health Restrictions

The first part of stunt plane safety is assessing your health and whether any restrictions would keep you from enjoying a ride on a stunt plane. Some questions to ask yourself are:

  • Do you fall within the weight and height restrictions for the stunt plane?
  • Do you have neck or back problems that may become aggravated by sudden movements?
  • Do you suffer from motion sickness?
  • Do you have high blood pressure?
  • Do you feel anxious about heights or flying in general?
  • Are you sensitive to changes in altitude?
  • Do you have a tendency to feel claustrophobic?
  • Are you pregnant or suspect you might be pregnant?

Depending on your answers to these questions, you may want to think carefully about your health. If you are unsure, you should consult your doctor before booking any aerobatic experience. However, if you are fit and healthy, a
stunt plane flight in Las Vegas is a thrilling experience to share with your friends and family!

Following Instructions

Before any flight in a stunt plane, the flight team should cover everything you need to know about the aircraft, what you can expect, the safety gear and equipment you’ll need, and how you will communicate with your pilot. It’s essential that you listen carefully to these directions. The more prepared you are before going into your flying experience, the safer you will be.

If you feel that you will not be able to comply with these instructions, you should not fly in a stunt plane. For example, if you are intoxicated or have taken medication that affects your ability to operate machinery, it’s vital that you inform the flight team immediately.

Another thing to consider that will keep you safe is having the right mindset for the flight. You should not go into it with an “anti-authority” or wreckless attitude. Being impulsive and ignoring inherent dangers is never good in any thrill-seeking adventure. Be ready to listen to directions from your pilot and follow them for a fun and safe experience!

Stunt Plane Pre-Flight Checks

Before any aircraft takes flight, a team will run through a thorough pre-flight checklist to ensure everything is working at optimal levels and nothing is overlooked before takeoff. This list is key to making every flight as safe as possible. Some of the things included on a standard PAVE checklist are:

  • (P) Pilot in Command
    - Is the pilot ready for the flight? Does this person have the training, experience, and skills to fly this aircraft? Does the pilot have a license and credentials?
  • (A) Aircraft - Is this the right aircraft for this type of flight? Are instruments, lights, navigation, and communication equipment all working? Can the aircraft carry the load and operate at the flight plan altitudes? Is there enough fuel for the flight?
  • (V) EnVironment - Assess your environment to see if the following are ideal:
  • Weather - current visibility, forecasted weather, temperature, and winds
  • Terrain - evaluate obstacles, such as nearby mountains or buildings
  • Airport/Runway - Are beacon lights, towers, and radio working?
  • Time - Special consideration is necessary for nighttime flights
  • (E) External Pressure - External influences might pressure a flight to happen when it shouldn’t. Schedules, not wanting to disappoint, or emotional pressures are all examples of the things that should never force a flight to take place.

Other things that may be included on a pre-flight checklist include checking stunt plane parachutes, emergency parachutes, ensuring all riders know how to use a parachute, and other safety equipment checks.

Questions for Your Pilot and Flight Team

You should feel informed and confident about taking flight in a stunt plane. After all, it’s an exciting and unique adventure not everybody gets to do! However, that means you should ask the right questions about what to expect, how you might be affected, and what you should do or not do during your flight. You should also ask your pilot what types of stunt plane maneuvers you’ll be performing. Being prepared and will help you stay safe during the flying experience.

Book a Flight With Sky Combat Ace

If you’re ready to participate in an adrenaline-pumping aerobatic experience, Sky Combat Ace offers several options that will make your time in Las Vegas one for the books. From the beginning, safety has always been our #1 priority. We hire and train only the best in the business, and we strive to make sure every part of your experience is the safest it can be—as well as unforgettable! Check out our Spectator, Sky Combat experiences and book your flight today.

The Afterburner


Why ride along when you can fly your own airshow routine…? Featuring both basic and advanced aerobatics, you take the controls and become your very own airshow pilot.

FROM USD: $799

Sky Combat


Experience the thrill of air-to-air combat as you wage a battle for aerial dominance where there can be only one victor. YOU fly the plane with a trained SCA fighter pilot.

FROM USD: $999

Top Gun


If you want to experience the most amazing, butt kicking, extreme adventure of a lifetime, then look no further than our Top Gun package!

FROM USD: $1,999

Operation Recon


Appropriate for the whole family, this is a great way to be introduced to the world of basic aerobatics. Think of it as a roller coaster without the rails.

DURATION: 3 hours (Approx.)

FROM USD: $599

Fly A Real Stunt Plane!

Sky Combat Ace was created by a U.S. Air Force veteran fighter pilot who wanted to make the thrill of flying fighter jets available to anyone who feels the need for speed.

Learn to fly a stunt plane under the supervision of our highly trained, FAA certified flight instructors. No experience necessary and YOU get to fly the plane!

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