Here at Sky Combat Ace, we regularly knock the socks off of anyone who comes through our doors seeking the ultimate adventure. One experience some people have started to request after seeing videos of our customers is "G-LOC," a.k.a. Gravity-Induced Loss of Consciousness.
In Laymen's terms, losing consciousness when our planes pull more G's than your body can handle. Most of the time, a customer knocks themselves out from pulling back too hard on the controls trying to recreate a maneuver we show them.
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That got us thinking, we perform these crazy acrobatic stunts at up to 250 mph, sometimes 14 times a day. As a former F-16 fighter pilot myself, I'm able to pull up to 12 G's safely and unaffected. But what EXACTLY happens to those of you who request to pass out and sometimes take that little 7-second nap after only pulling as little as 5 G's?
Here's the research to help you better understand the coveted G-LOC, which will come as good news to all you would-be adrenaline junkies who are daring enough to request it. It turns out that G-LOC is safer than most think, and you're likely to lose more brain cells knocking back a few too many at the local casino in Las Vegas than knocking yourselves out in our Extra 330's.
Ready for a bit of science and classical mechanics? As Sir Isaac Newton laws of motion and universal gravitation theories explain, the gravitational field we live in on earth exerts a constant 1G force on our bodies. Here are the basics of Newton’s laws¹ you should understand:
As Newton’s law states, in flight, the acceleration due to jet engines or free fall acceleration due to gravity on our unit mass (or weight) changes the amount of gravitational pull we or any falling object experiences (without considering air resistance).
This gravitational pull is expressed in G's. So 3G's equals three times² the earth's gravitational pull. In other words, if you weigh 150 lbs at 1G, you will weigh 450 lbs at 3G. In SI unit of mass, that’s about 68 kg at 1G and 204 kg at 3G!
Of all the systems in our body, the circulatory system and blood vessels are most affected by flight. Under normal circumstances, our bodies do a pretty good job regulating the blood flow to the brain. But the extra pressure from increased G's can pull blood away from our brain and down to our feet, sometimes causing G-LOC.
Loss of consciousness due to the acceleration of gravity on the body is better known as G-LOC. It occurs when increased force due to gravity is applied to the body, causing a loss of consciousness. Most people can withstand anywhere between 2 to 5 G-forces relatively unaffected.
After high intensity or longer duration, a few things can happen before a G-LOC. This is why we instruct you in the safety briefing to tell us when you're experiencing any or all of these symptoms so we can ease off the throttle:
A healthy person may get G-LOC around 5-6 Gs, and others can withstand up to 9 Gs. When extreme positive G-force is applied (Tail slides, Hammerheads, and our favorite, the Lomcevak), external forces of gravity divert blood flow to the brain down to the feet. This is why we flip you knuckleheads upside down to get that blood going back towards your noggins.
In addition to extensive training and medical advice, some pilots use two resources to prevent them from passing out while flying³.
This tight-fitting garment applies pressure to the pilot's legs and abdomen using air pressure (like getting your blood pressure). It is attached to the actual jet, measures the amount of Gs the pilot feels, and then automatically applies the appropriate pressure to prevent them from passing out.
The pilot will tighten and release muscles in the glutes, legs, and abdomen to keep blood flow constant.
Together, these measures prevent too much blood from settling in the legs, so extra Gs can be pulled by professional pilots.
Fighter jets are equipped with an automatic recovery system called Auto-GCAS⁴ (Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System). This system determines if a collision is probable based on trajectory and speed. If so, it first warns the pilot, and if the pilot doesn't respond, the system can automatically pull a jet out of a nosedive.
No one has ever died from a G-LOC (except maybe die from embarrassment from their video). After proper oxygenation (again, the part where we wake you up from your quick slumber by inverting the plane), the only symptoms that may persist are a little fatigue.
Recovery is prompt following the removal of the G-force. A period of disorientation can occur, and vivid dreams have been reported during unconsciousness. We once had a member of the Canadian Tenors who came out to fly with us say he was happy he experienced G-LOC because he was back at home having Christmas dinner with his family, who he hadn't seen in months!
No matter your style, it's always an adventure here at Sky Combat Ace. If you'd like to see how many Gs you can handle, check out our flight experiences and give us a call to book your flight today!
¹Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. (23 July 2021). Newton's laws of motion. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 19 January 2022.
²Jedick, R. (5 April 2013). Pulling G’s – The Effects of G-Forces on the Human Body. Go Flight Med. Retrieved 19 January 2022.
³Verger, R. (3 January 2020). A pilot passed out while flying an F-15 over Oregon. Here’s what happened next. Popular Science. Retrieved 19 January 2022.
⁴Dockrill, P. (14 September 2014). WATCH: F-16 Autopilot System Saves The Life of an Unconscious Fighter Pilot. Science Alert. Retrieved 19 January 2022.
The Afterburner
Why ride along when you can fly your own airshow routine…? Featuring both basic and advanced aerobatics, you take the controls and become your very own airshow pilot.
Sky Combat
Experience the thrill of air-to-air combat as you wage a battle for aerial dominance where there can be only one victor. YOU fly the plane with a trained SCA fighter pilot.
Top Gun
If you want to experience the most amazing, butt kicking, extreme adventure of a lifetime, then look no further than our Top Gun package!
Operation Recon
Appropriate for the whole family, this is a great way to be introduced to the world of basic aerobatics. Think of it as a roller coaster without the rails.
Fly A Real Stunt Plane!
Sky Combat Ace was created by a U.S. Air Force veteran fighter pilot who wanted to make the thrill of flying fighter jets available to anyone who feels the need for speed.
Learn to fly a stunt plane under the supervision of our highly trained, FAA certified flight instructors. No experience necessary and YOU get to fly the plane!
All SCA flights are instructional in nature conducted by certified flight instructors in accordance with federal aviation regulations under 14 CFR Part 61 of the United States Code. Instruction will be provided during ground and flight portions for all flights.