A stunt pilot is probably one of the most exciting, dangerous, and unmatched jobs on the planet. To become one, you have to be a different breed of daring, risking everything to put on an incredible show for spectators below. Even if you have these characteristics, you must learn how to complete the various tricks and maneuvers of a stunt plane show. This article will walk through the steps to complete and describe how it feels to perform this iconic stunt move—the barrel roll.
A barrel roll occurs when the stunt pilot, while flying straight forward, completes a full axial rotation. One wing turns over the other and rotates all the way round to return to the starting orientation. This means that the pilot must momentarily be upside down before flipping all the way over. The move, while seemingly simple, can be very complex and takes planning, skill, and, most of all, fearlessness.
The most essential element for pilots to perform a stunt plane barrel roll is to be able to confidently monitor the instruments in the cockpit of the plane while under pressure. The pilot must be able to keep their bearings while upside down, quickly changing speeds and directions, and more.
The pilot must begin the move by flying at a consistent pace and a balanced position. this means they have to fly at the same speed throughout the barrel roll and keep the nose of the plane facing the exact same direction during the entire rotation.
Stunt pilots must also keep the same roll and pitch rate. This means they must rollover at the same speed throughout the move, not slowing down as they reach the halfway position. This is done by increasing the deflection of the rudders, elevator, and ailerons while at the peak of the roll. The pilot can then decrease all of these deflections when at the bottom of the roll.
The pilot can finally add some back stick pressure at the end of the roll to maintain cruising speed and picking up lost altitude. The most common mistake when performing a barrel roll is increasing the roll rate of the plane at the beginning half of the rotation. This adds unnecessary G force to finish the roll and can throw the pilot off-course.
Another common mistake is not doing a perfect circle in relation to the horizon. The shape of the rotation must be consistent or the plane will veer sharply off-course.
Imagine you are a confident, experienced, and skilled stunt pilot and are ready to try your first barrel roll. You have watched every training video and read every instruction manual, but want to know how it feels to do the real thing. The bottom line is it can be the most exhilarating and thrilling experience to be upside down in a fast-moving stunt plane on your own.
Any stunt move of this speed and difficulty will apply multiple G forces upon the pilot and riders. This will feel like intense pressure on the cabin as if a strong blast of wind shot directly at you. Most stunt pilots advise you to eat a light meal before attempting the barrel roll because it can cause many to feel sick on a full stomach!
It can also feel a little disorienting to be upside down while flying. For most people, seeing the sky below and the ground above might feel pretty confusing. However, you will only be upside down for a short time.
Nonetheless, there are few things in the world of stunt flying that compare to the sheer excitement of a barrel roll in a personal airplane. The feeling of overcoming danger at high speeds is an experience few people attempt and even fewer get to have.
Now that you understand the basics of this maneuver, it is time to get in the cockpit for the thrill of a lifetime! Sky Combat Ace in Las Vegas offers several aerobatic flying experiences that include the barrel roll as one of the many stunts they perform. You can soar through the air in a real stunt plane with one of our trained pilots to see what a barrel roll really feels like. You can even get behind the controls to fly the plane yourself under the supervision of our highly trained SCA pilots.
If you’re ready to book your
flying experience in Las Vegas, check out our
group packages or contact our team today to learn more! Get ready to have some fun and make unique Vegas memories that will last a lifetime.
The Afterburner
Why ride along when you can fly your own airshow routine…? Featuring both basic and advanced aerobatics, you take the controls and become your very own airshow pilot.
Sky Combat
Experience the thrill of air-to-air combat as you wage a battle for aerial dominance where there can be only one victor. YOU fly the plane with a trained SCA fighter pilot.
Top Gun
If you want to experience the most amazing, butt kicking, extreme adventure of a lifetime, then look no further than our Top Gun package!
Operation Recon
Appropriate for the whole family, this is a great way to be introduced to the world of basic aerobatics. Think of it as a roller coaster without the rails.
Fly A Real Stunt Plane!
Sky Combat Ace was created by a U.S. Air Force veteran fighter pilot who wanted to make the thrill of flying fighter jets available to anyone who feels the need for speed.
Learn to fly a stunt plane under the supervision of our highly trained, FAA certified flight instructors. No experience necessary and YOU get to fly the plane!
All SCA flights are instructional in nature conducted by certified flight instructors in accordance with federal aviation regulations under 14 CFR Part 61 of the United States Code. Instruction will be provided during ground and flight portions for all flights.